land. really this needs to be administered closer to home so we wouldn t have, i think, such outrageous overstepping by authorities. tomorrow you are going to give a speech on ed education. i went out and saw your twitter feed that you put a youtube video up of a young woman in chicago named jalen who has to take five modes of transportation to get to her school that she has that she has elected to go to. i put it on gretawire the video because it s a powerful video. why are you giving a speech on education and how do we fix this broken system? well, because millions of kids, mainly poor kids can and mainly kids who live in big cities are getting a crummy education. we have thrown money at the problem but we don t allow choice. we don t let the parents choose where they go. this little girl is a perfect example of her mother wants something better for her and she travels all of that distance every morning and she wants to be a doctor and it s a really heart warming story.
if they find a bat on the land. really this needs to be administered closer to home so we wouldn t have, i think, such outrageous overstepping by authorities. tomorrow you are going to give a speech on ed education. i went out and saw your twitter feed that you put a youtube video up of a young woman in chicago named jalen who has to take five modes of transportation to get to her school that she has that she has elected to go to. i put it on gretawire the video because it s a powerful video. why are you giving a speech on education and how do we fix this broken system? well, because millions of kids, mainly poor kids can and mainly kids who live in big cities are getting a crummy education. we have thrown money at the problem but we don t allow choice. we don t let the parents choose where they go. this little girl is a perfect example of her mother wants something better for her and she travels all of that distance every morning and she wants to be a doctor and it s a really he