into the market and the prices dropped 37 percent. we need to inject more crude interest the market. if we drilled or increased the drilling in the gulf, yes, that would have an immediate impact, but, again, you still have the turmoil in the middle east, but we need something to offset that turmoil. you know, the saudis, i believe, opec, actually, ruled out increasing production in the month of june and that is six weeks away. what do you make of that? what will that do to the price? that is the problem. may is typically a month where there is not as much demand in the market but what happens after may? after labor day? the summer driving season. so for us, for the u.s. consumer, that is when you actually have the high gas prices. if nothing is continue about the supply of the oil we could see $5 or $6 gas without teach of a problem and this is a huge issue. where is the upset from the white house? where is the outrage about the price of gas at $3.86 now and $4