In celebration of the legendary Indian artist Maqbool Fida Husain, a short documentary film that shares the story of his life and work came to intersect in his final art installation, “Seeroo fi al ardh,” was premiered by Qatar Foundation, yesterday.
Amudhavanan’s ‘Quota’ wins on the international festival circuit
March 02, 2021 12:18 IST
‘Quota’ a film by Coimbatore filmmaker Amudhavanan has so far won 48 awards and 13 mentions on the world’s festival circuit
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A still from Quota | Photo Credit:
Special Arrangement
‘Quota’ a film by Coimbatore filmmaker Amudhavanan has so far won 48 awards and 13 mentions on the world’s festival circuit
“Forty eight awards, 13 mentions and still counting,” says director Amudhavanan, overjoyed with the appreciation coming his way for
Quota at the festival circuit in India and internationally. “We have also made it to the official selection at the upcoming Nepal International Film Festival from May 6 to 10. For the world panorama section, they have short listed nine films from entries received from 63 countries.