bombed, and killed, and bomb shelters. we have yet to see a sound, and the first day in their lives. over 13 million ukrainians have left their home, even me. putin is using nuclear blackmail, occupying the chernobyl nuclear power station, and the largest nuclear power plant in europe, targeting it, and turning it into a military base. he threatens the war with nuclear weapons. we must stop this aggression from the crowd leader. i m grateful to america, to every american, to the president of the united states, for the support and health, i appeal. you now, it is not the time to care about the price of oil and gas. it cannot be higher than the price of human life. it is not the time to focus on material goods. when the civilization of human beings are in danger. putin will not stop himself, i know that.
she made it to london. my flight s going out to paris on saturday, and hopefully it gets there. we re going to try to get there 24 hours ahead. what do you want people in the united states to know about what s happening here from your perspective? from my perspective, the first thing i d like people to know, the protesters i ve encountered, and i ve been out a lot during the day, these are individuals that just want their freedom. a very telling side for me is that there s a point where i was observing one of the protests last tuesday, and myself and a couple other foreigners were maybe a little too close to the front and as people started to run away from the police, some egyptian men saw us and surrounded us to protect us from the crowd leader. i felt most of the time, that s how the protesters are reacting this is all about them wanting freedom. so they ve been very, very gracious to me as a foreigner. are you concerned about what may happen today in the hours ahead? absol