Dr.Fill, a computer program created by artificial intelligence expert Matt Ginsberg in Eugene, solved the seven puzzles at the timed American Crossword Puzzle Tournament faster than any human.
Always Up to Something
Grant Thackray warms us up for our solving weekend.
Looking up at the spiral staircase in Elizabeth Tower better known as Big Ben in London.Credit.Victoria Jones - WPA Pool, via Getty Images
Feb. 11, 2021
FRIDAY PUZZLE Before we dive into Grant Thackray’s puzzle, the crossword editor Will Shortz has an administrivial announcement about the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament:
Dear Friends,
The 2021 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, as you may have guessed by now, will be conducted online.
It will incorporate as many elements of the usual in-person event as we can fit in. There will be cash prizes.