Rossville s school board has placed middle/high school Principal Terry Thompson on paid administrative leave after he was involved in restraining a disruptive seventh-grade student.
ROSSVILLE, Ind. (WLFI) — The Rossville School Board voted Tuesday night to put the Middle and High School principal, Terry Thompson, on paid administrative leave until his retirement at the
ROSSVILLE, Ind. (WLFI) — Parents are asking for transparency and a chance for their voices to be heard from the school board about middle and high school Principal Terry Thompson.
The next meeting for LARS (Life Around Rossville Schools) will be at 12 noon Tuesday, April 18, in the activities room at Milner Community Health Care. Alumni, friends, staff, retired staff, teachers and anyone interested in Rossville Schools is welcome. For reservations for the catered lunch, call (765) 652- 1128 or (765) 426-8425 by April
The DeKalb County Commission met on Jan. 10. The bulk of the meeting concerned purchasing equipment and personnel changes.The commission approved the purchase of a truck for the Sheriff at