“Hawaii Stars,” a cherished television program, has been a beacon of Aloha State talent for years, showcasing a diverse array of skills and heartfelt stories. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Kimo Kahoano and Carole Kai, the show has become a cultural touchstone, promoting Hawaiian arts, culture, and community spirit both locally and internationally. Established in 1992, the Hawaii Stars brand […]
A “Kōkua for Lahaina” benefit concert will be held at the Kīhei Charter School on Oct. 21 with a goal to raise at least $7,500 for the Maui Strong Fund.
Aloha Festivals five-days of culture and fun starts Saturday with a parade; Oktoberfest and Kōkua for Lahaina raise funds for Maui wildfire victims; and Haunted Hawaiian Ghost Stories and the musical Rocky Horror Show pave the way for Halloween. Find our comprehensive listing HERE.
KIHEI The Kokua for Lahaina benefit concert will be held at Kihei Charter School on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 3 to 7 p.m. on the great lawn performance area a
Topping our 20 things to do on Maui this week is the three-day Gathering of the Voyagers event in Wailea that celebrates Polynesian culture through story, music, voyaging and dance. Find our comprehensive listing HERE.