Celebrate the life and legacy of Major Lucas Gruenther, our very own hometown hero. Teams or individuals participate in the CrossFit Hero workout named after Luc.
Perform the workout virtually or by appointment at CrossFit Sonora, located at 18901 Microtronics Way, Sonora, CA 95370. Masks will be optional for participants, but social distancing will be required. Outdoor venue. All proceeds will benefit the Major Lucas Gruenther Legacy Foundation, which awards scholarships to Americans for the advancement of educational goals and self development thereby strengthening and benefiting the community at large through individual enhancement. Includes a commemorative event t-shirt.
We are welcoming our supporters around the globe to join us from anywhere in the world to complete the Gaza Crossfit Hero Work Out of the Day (WOD)! Be sure to time your workout and log it online in this virtual challenge.