Maybe I'm just hanging out in the wrong places (or the right ones depending on your personal preferences), but I just don't ever hear any crossbow references in my world but here are two separate issues with the medieval weapon that happened recently in Illinois.
very agitated. got in her car, started it up, and started to back out. and her son burst out the door and said, mommy, don t go, don t go. you don t have to go. still, everybody has fights sometimes. so it hardly seemed likely this neighbor and what he saw were about to move center stage in our strange drama. because of what happened on another fine morning, a sunday it was about three months after that bizarre crossbow accident. almost beyond belief really. and if you haven t guessed already, the reason we re telling you all this. what did we say? lightning striking twice. what has happened? sir, don t hang up with me! what s happened? sir?! sir?! sir? a frantic call, a frightening sight. there s anna laying at the end of the treadmill with an arrow stuck straight in her back. when the crossbow incident continues.
involuntary residence here in the virginia beach county jail. it was more than a year later when police, still preparing their case, mind you, asked neighbor randall howes for another interview. they had the pictures, crime scene photographs that i had not seen. but now he saw something very disturbing. and right then and there randall howes knew he was about to play another important role in ken creamer s life. so i went, uh-oh. this means probably that my testimony will be key. and randall howes was absolutely right. a trial begins and the prosecution tries to prove that what happened to this young wife and mother was no accident. i determined that the manner of death in this case was homicide. when the crossbow incident continues.
everything seemed very normal. and remember this man? creamer friend and jeweler, robert katz. a loving, caring family. and his wife, charlene. such a loving family. they were very, very close. as for that first crossbow incident, the one that injured anna, well, she herself said it was an accident, the teacher testified. she laughed about it. told me what happened and just that s about it. she was very lighthearted about the whole situation. as for those insurance policies, yes, they totaled over $1 million, but he had been an insurance agent, remember? those amounts were normal, said the defense. anna bought some of her himself. and all of them were written to benefit not ken but their son. still, that prosecution evidence was strong. the firearms expert, for example. in my examination of the
and there it was. the gotcha in the prosecution s case. here was an extremely credible witness, a military officer, whose memory strongly suggested that when howes stepped outside the garage that day to talk to the police, ken creamer still inside, moved that crossbow, staged the scene to make it look more like an accident. powerful evidence. assuming the jury would decide to trust neighbor howes military-trained memory and that forensic firearm s expert s evaluation of the crossbow. but would they? ken creamer takes the stand. would jurors trust him? i heard a poof sound, and i turned around quick and my wife was already on the floor. when the crossbow incident continues.