i can remember being my first shuttle flight in 1999, sts-103, we held one of our or aborted one of our launch not because they thought there was anything wrong with the vehicle, but there was something wrong with the paper work. and like you said, you know, cross the ts and dot the is is important here as well. so they re saying this is they re just checking out a few things, could be normal, could be to your point, maybe it is paperwork. sometimes you get stuck at the gate on a regular plane, and you hear that they re waiting for paperwork. it is interesting as you hear that, there has been a lot made about this letter that was signed by 21 current and former employees of blue origin. they raised some safety concerns and they said in that letter, of the it 2 121 people there, they wouldn t be comfortable getting on a blue origin flight. i asked audrey powers about that, she said she didn t have
it s going to stick, like they didn t, you know, cross the ts and dot the is. they didn t get the sort of personnel they would need to back stop what they were doing and instead they rushed through it. if you are an opponent of what the trump administration is doing, at some point you have to wonder whether that s a blessingor curse. right? do you want people who are doing incredibly reckless things to the country to be bad at doing those reckless things? or do you want them to be good at doing those reckless things? the slipshod way in which they have tried to do this will likely be the undoing of this executive order as a policy matter. but the slipshod way in which they have done this also tells you the way they operated. and sometimes we need a presidency and an executive branch to operate with care. they have yet to prove that they are capable of it of much more to come on this breaking news night and the rest of the day s news. stay with us. daily moisturizing body yogurt.
president is expected to sign the short-term deal and it could happen any moment. sources close to the cnn is that the president will expect it some point this morning, as early as this hour and not locked in yet because it has to go through all the various last-minute procedural hurdles and the last cross the ts and dot the is. the bottom line, it will get over here relatively quickly this morning and then signed very quickly by this president. i wouldn t expect a big show of it. some big signing ceremony. as you noted, this is just the bridge funding to get congress through the weekend and keep the government open. the big signing ceremony, if there is one, will probably come next week when the president actually signs the base legislation that cuts spending. something the president certainly wants to celebrate. all right and, ed, also nobody seems to, why would they want to take credit or claim victory after this whole fiasco and everything we saw over the past 24 hours. where i