past couple of weeks? i personally identified as a secular i m one of the four me lennials who aren t affiliated with any religion. athere are four of you? i m sorry. one out of four. there s only four of us. i was thinking, you know, religious freedom, fine. what about secular freedom. that s what i was thinking. over the sort of church/state debate, what about those of us who are secular. yes. i feel there s a lot of cross-speak with religious freedom virz take your religious freedom out of my government. it s very confusing. yeah, indeed. i think the very fact that you can be here openly acknowledging your secularism shows that, in fact, we don t have theocracy and that is a very, very good thing. but, you know, melissa, i don t define myself by a particular birth right. i define myself by the values that i share with other people. i m very much a pluralist. and what i found interesting about the question that the candidates were asked about the