of really lit the afterburners and relit that fire and, sometimes, you need a setback or disappointment to push on and reach your best. so the kind of redemption story for me is a massive one and things are going great and, yeah, just very much excited to get to that world championships, push on and hopefully get that paris spot confirmed. and there ll be something else different next summer. following success in snow sports and bmx, there ll be a cross event where four kayakers at the same time battle it out down the slalom course. it s boisterous, its bold, it s bedlam. joe came in first. benjamin from france was pretty close on his tail, but becausejoe managed so well to execute individually, he got out before benjamin even got there. but very, very committed, because he almost had a boat to the face. kayak coach campbell walsh, a silver medallist from athens in 2004, is on hand
and got him to sleep through, so, yeah, superman, actually. so i m very grateful. joe won this gold medal when he was 23 relatively young to reach the pinnacle of his sport. so he approaches paris, next year, older and, partly due to the disappointment of missing out on tokyo, much wiser. the upset of tokyo has kind of really lit the afterburner5 and relit that fire and, sometimes, you need a setback or disappointment to push on and reach your best. so the kind of redemption story for me is a massive one and things are going great and, yeah, just very much excited to get to that world championships, push on and hopefully get that paris spot confirmed. and there ll be something else different next summer. following success in snow sports and bmx, there ll be a cross event where four kayakers at the same time battle it out down the slalom course. it s boisterous, its bold, it s bedlam.
heartbreaking. this young girl is just 15. she s a minor. the adults around her have completely failed her. the team s coach denying the claims, saying she is, quote, innocent and clean. and tonight, the u.s. snowboard team, fresh off of a history-making win in the new mixed team cross event, facing a controversy of its own. former olympian callan chythlook-sifsof accusing coach peter foley of sexual harassment. kearney apologized on instagram, saying he used the slur in a joking manner and it was stupid and disgusting. he said he faced being let go from the u.s. team over that incident. foley has denied the sexual harassment allegations against him. he told the new york times they were surprising to him and that right now he s concentrating on supporting the athletes here at the olympics. whit? marcus moore in beijing tonight. thank you. now, to the record-breaking heat in the west, as the rams and bengals prepare to take the