even as other six men on the stage high-fived did the moon walk and called my wife a i m kidding stay focused but those who don t know i have one son named longe and even that has become controversial in the past few years. because of san francisco school district wanted to remove abraham lincoln s name from one of its high schools, thankfully it didn t happen but from now on just to be safe, whenever we re in california my son goes by his name o.j. san francisco kept the name but it lost its biggest shopping mall thanks to the high crime and high taxes that are crushing retail stores in the state. it is, obviously, a disaster from a financial stand point and emotional level losing the is a big blow to dianne feinstein who no longer able to shop at her favorite store forever 91. liberal policies flooded with drugs and homeless men and democrats don t want you to call them homeless men new is free-range people or unhoused heroin enthusiasts regardless the state of california h
stage high-fived did the moon walk and called my wife a i m kidding stay focused but those who don t know i have one son named longe and even that has become controversial in the past few years. because of san francisco school district wanted to remove abraham lincoln s name from one of its high schools, thankfully it didn t happen but from now on just to be safe, whenever we re in california my son goes by his name o.j. san francisco kept the name but it lost its biggest shopping mall thanks to the high crime and high taxes that are crushing retail stores in the state. it is, obviously, a disaster from a financial stand point and emotional level losing the is a big blow to dianne feinstein who no longer able to shop at her favorite store forever 91. liberal policies flooded with drugs and homeless men and democrats don t want you to call them homeless men new is free-range people or unhoused heroin enthusiasts regardless the state of california has gotten so bad it s been an
a democratic electio to n is actually pro democratic. they re stealing our votes in broad daylight. where in the u.s. do you want to go to? i don t know the place. okay, so just an addressn in philadelphia to go to meet your new neighbors o go. good morning, my neighbor. might be time for me to gety fr away from all these, you know, liberal snowflakom e dating adve from jesse watters. was: dating three wise men. they all brought the gift. what did they bring them? diaperbroughs, pacifier and a bg . five years after the civil war, pro-slavery democrats filled the halls of congressr , and 15 years later, pro-slavery th actually flipped the house. 51 former confederate soldiers or officials were elected into office. even the viceor offic presidf the confederacy, alexander stephens, an arch secessionist ,landed a seat in congress. another confederate . volution lewis lamar, a great name who literally drafted the missouridrafte secession pl went on to serve as inte
irs. and with less than two yearsd tl to go until the twenty twenty four election, democrats are once again shockingle y playing the race card. this time, they re trying to vilify the entire sunshine. state of florida. but first tonight, all eyes areh on the biden white house where joe is still refusing to come ta to terms on a debt ceiling that is , well, pretty imminent.t ist according to democrats, the sky. is falling. the american economyaccordin, the world s economy is about to collapse. and it s all kevin mccarthy s fault. when in fact, it s anything but kevin mccarthy s fault. so why didn t democrats care so deeply about this issue? over. one hundred days ago whens speaker mccarthy was all but begging the white house, you know, weekly, monthly, dayy after da y to sit down and negotiate this? take a look. we have to negotiatek. overtiat. the debt. our whole government is designed to have compromise. our governrepublican control. the house democrats have a small majo