Investigation into the fraudulent sale of an SCO in Dugri market reveals a scam worth crores of rupees, involving Glada and its employees. Read more about the Ludhiana investigation and the recovery of stolen property files.
The raging forest fire has resulted in the loss of crores of rupees of property due to the forest fire in Manali, with the flames reducing valuable assets to ashes. | Latest News India
फैसले में कचरा निस्तारण नहीं करने वाले निकायों के जिम्मेदार अधिकारियों पर भी कार्रवाई करने के आदेश दिए गए हैं। आपको बता दें कि जयपुर समेत राजस्थान के तमाम छोटे-बड़े शहरों में डंपिंग यार्ड पर जमा कचरे (लिजेसी वेस्ट) का निस्तारण करना था, लेकिन अफसरों की नींद देरी से खुली। इन अधिकारियों ने अपनी नाकामी को छिपाने के लिए जिम्मेदारी निजी कंपनियों को दे दी।
Singh was arrested on Saturday by the Delhi Police - a day after the victim s decomposed body was found near a school in the national capital. | Latest News Delhi
Seven persons, including a former bank employee, were arrested by the Mumbai crime branch for defrauding banks of crores of rupees through loan fraud. The gang used forged documents and fake businesses to secure loans, and the leader of the gang had previously been arrested for purchasing high-end cars on loans and mortgaging them. The police suspect the involvement of several bank employees in the fraud. | Mumbai news