Reserve Bank of India (RBI), responding to a Right to Information (RTI) query, says during the financial year (FY) 2022-23, banks in the country wrote off bad loans worth Rs2.09 lakh crore, taking the total write-off by the banking sector to Rs10.57 lakh crore during the past five years, says a report.
All scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) wrote off Rs10.09 lakh crore during the past five financial years, from FY17-18 to FY21-22, while during the same period, the Union government has infused Rs2.76 lakh crore to recapitalise public sector banks (PSBs), the Lok Sabha was informed.
On 23rd December, when ICICI Bank’s former chief executive officer (CEO) Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak were busy sending out invitations to their son’s nuptials, the central bureau of investigation (CBI) decided to arrest the couple on an issue that has been in the public domain since whistle-blower Arvind Gupta’s blog post in 2016.
On 23rd December, when ICICI Bank’s former chief executive officer (CEO) Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak were busy sending out invitations to their son’s nuptials, the central bureau of investigation (CBI) decided to arrest the couple on an issue that has been in the public domain since whistle-blower Arvind Gupta’s blog post in 2016.