Mike Christopherson
Crookston Times
City Attorney Corky Reynolds addressed the Crookston City Council this week in response to what he said have been several complaints made to local law enforcement and city hall about the displaying of various “signs, flags and banners” on properties in town.
Although Reynolds’ presentation and the ensuing discussion didn’t get more specific than referring to election and/or political campaign signs, the presumption is that some signs still lingering from the 2020 presidential election in which Joe Biden prevailed over Donald Trump are spurring the complaints.
In a nutshell, Reynolds said, there’s not much that can be done, at least when it comes to forcing the signs’ removal because the complainant has deemed them inappropriate or offensive.
Letter to the Editor: Thank you from the Polk County Salvation Army
Submitted by Polk County Salvation Army
Crookston Times
On behalf of the Polk County Salvation Army, we would like to again say thank you to our friends and supporters who have given donations and their time to the Salvation Army.
The Christmas Kettle Campaign is the county’s Salvation Army’s most vital fundraiser accounting for nearly 75% of its annual fund raising totals. It is vital because we depend on this support to fund year-round programs. Also, we would like to put out a SPECIAL THANKS to our local United Way in Crookston for their financial support assistance.