a dog called north has saved the life of a mountaineer after he fell 150 metres while climbing in croatia on new year s day. the eight month old alaskan malamute, who fell without injuries, curled up and kept the mountaineer s body warm while he lay in a ravine for 13 hours. the croatian mountain rescue service say the dog s loyalty didn t even stop when rescuers arrived, adding that north can teach us all about caring for each other . and new research suggests dogs are able to detect speech and distinguish between languages. the research involved training dogs to lay motionless in a brain scanner, where they were played speech excerpts of the little prince in both spanish and hungarian.
cities, usual parade roots are extended to avoid big crowds, and the tradition of throwing suites to children did not go ahead this time. but despite the restrictions, kids found it hard to contain their excitement. translation: i hope the kins excitement. translation: i hope the kings will excitement. translation: i hope the kings will bring excitement. translation: i hope the kings will bring me excitement. translation: i hope the kings will bring me lots - excitement. translation: i hope the kings will bring me lots of- the kings will bring me lots of presents. in the kings will bring me lots of resents. ., , presents. in some parades, there were presents. in some parades, there were floats presents. in some parades, there were floats with - presents. in some parades, l there were floats with coulter badly behaved children. kids in spain have to wait until they woke up to know if they were given a lump of coal or the presents they had asked for. sergio forcada, bbc news, b