In today’s ever-changing world, how we learn is just as important as what we learn. Cristina Bailey, an assistant professor of accounting at the UNM Anderson School of Management, has
In today’s ever-changing world, how we learn is just as important as what we learn. Cristina Bailey, an assistant professor of accounting at the UNM Anderson School of Management, has found a way to help college-level accounting students efficiently grow.
Educators shared strategies at a recent AICPA CGMA teaching symposium to attract students to the profession and to prepare them for a career in management accounting.
Henry Ford College and Baker College Sign Articulation Agreement
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Today’s Virtual Signing Ceremony Creates Formal Partnership to Aid in Seamless Transfer Process for Bachelor’s Students
“We’re enthusiastic about formalizing our partnership with Henry Ford College through this important articulation agreement, which is focused, first and foremost, on student success, said Baker College President Dr. Bart Daig. OWOSSO, Mich. (PRWEB) December 17, 2020
Baker College, Michigan’s largest private, not-for-profit college and top private transfer school in the state, and Henry Ford College (HFC), a student-centered, evidence-based public community college, signed an official articulation agreement at a virtual ceremony today, Dec. 17, 2020.