rounds of ammunition. oh, he went outside and started shooting. can i run? can you get somewhere safe? yeah. i gotta go. no, he gonna see me running. reporter: it isn t just her life on the line but hundreds of students and staff. dozens of police officers outside. he said to tell them to back off. he doesn t want the kids. he wants it police. tell them to back off and what else, sir? he said he don t care if he dies, he don t have nothing to live for and he s not mentally stable. stay on the line with me, okay? put the phone down if you have to, but don t put it on hold so i can t hear. okay. where are you? in the front office with him. he s got an ak-47. she s armed with her words and puts her life on the line. i will let them know you are not trying to harm me.
things just changed. all right. thanks so much. take a look at what s coming up on new day. chris and kate join us now. you want to come to the beach with me. you are trolling for it. you are trolling for it. you pay my way and feed me, i ll baby sit. we have a lot coming up, guys. we are going to talk a lot about the georgia school shooting mainly because of the 911 tape. it s not just there is a call and the clerk was there, this woman who made such a difference. people in these moments of crisis don t do what this woman did. this clerk, who you are going to meet this morning, she did things under duress with a madman in her face clearly there with lethal intentions on his mind. it s so unusual. she made such a difference in a situation that could have gone so horribly wrong that it s worth our attention.
sit right there. i m going to buzz them in, okay, so you will know when they are coming, okay? okay. stay there calm. don t worry about it. i will tell them you didn t try to harm me, okay? okay. it s gonna be all right. i just want you to know that i love you. i m proud of you. it s a good thing you are giving up. don t worry about it. gives you chills listening to that. that bookkeeper hail add hero. formal charges could come today and the students will return to school this morning. amazing story. anger and sadness over the death of an australian athlete senselessly killed in oklahoma. he was out jogging when he was shot to death by teenagers for the fun of it. she hopes the killers rot in hell. last night, she was more reserved talking act chris on