Why Criminals Love Ransomware: In Their Own Words
euroinfosec) • June 22, 2021 Get Permission
Craig Williams (left), director of outreach, Cisco Talos; and Matt Olney, director of threat intelligence at the firm
What are top takeaways from threat analysts who have directly interacted with criminal affiliates of ransomware-as-a-service operations? What . really surprised us the most were the guy s insights into himself that he accidentally shared - namely, the belief that he wanted to convey that he didn t target healthcare and other targets that are likewise ethically charged, says Craig Williams, director of outreach at Cisco Talos. Now, the reality was: We knew the entire time that he was targeting healthcare. But it was really interesting to see that he wanted to convey this almost Robin Hood type view of himself that he was really a good guy who was misunderstood