this is a free speech society. bill, let me finish my thought. these young people last night who came out and protested were well within their rights to say whatever don t cry fire in a crowded theater. nothing close to that happened last night. the citizens of baltimore should be commended for the peaceful way they comported themselves and the gray family in particular deserve a lo(tñ of credit because they said to the public if we re not upset you shouldn t be upset. i applaud that. if we are calm, you should be calm that had a lot to do with what didn t happen last night. counsel, we agree on 90% of this. i will tell you this, anyone using their freedom of speech to convict someone of a crimek@ / that they don t know what happened is abusing their freedom of speech in my opinion. last word? well, think why agree. all right. good. when people demand anyone s head without hearing the first witness or