What time does your mail carrier arrive at your house? Someone just moved into a city here in the Hudson Valley and they can't believe what time they get their mail each day. Is this really happening?
neil: thank you. some of the crime numbers going back-and-forth, among prominent democrats, double-digit increases, thievery and incidents in the subway systems, these are provided by the police department. those are the numbers we go on and there needs to be a time democrats do the same. the numbers are what they are. meanwhile, focusing on campaigns around the country i want to take you to georgia. senator warnock making a campaign appearance, a blitz of candidates across the country. he is in a tight race with herschel walker who is campaigning on the other side of the state. we will be going to that and
details, he did refer to assault weapons, that echoes what we here in new york, it is all about getting guns out of people s hands but not anything about bail reform or a system that allows a turnstile form of justice where someone with a checkered past or done a horrific crime, none of that. hochul s vacillating, not buying, you look at the crime numbers. overall crime in new york up 33%, you talk what is going on on the trains, 42%, up 36% and violent assaults, 16%. when you look at those numbers people are in fear for their