Former Rwandan police officer Fulgence Kayishema, accused of ordering the killing of some 2,000 Tutsis who were seeking refuge in a church during the 1994 genocide, appeared briefly in a South African court on Friday and was remanded in custody.
Two Los Angeles residents have been charged with acting in a Beijing-directed scheme targeting U.S.-based practitioners of the Falun Gong group that is outlawed in China, the U.S. Justice Department said on Friday.
Lebanon will work over the next year to address deficiencies in policing corruption identified by a financial crime watchdog, the country's financial intelligence unit said on Friday.
Dozens of packages of cocaine marked with Nazi swastikas as well as the name "Hitler" were seized at a port in northern Peru, from where would have been shipped to Belgium, police said on Friday.
Three-year-old Madeleine McCann, from Rothley, Leicestershire in central England, disappeared on May 3, 2007 during a holiday with her parents in the Algarve region of southern Portugal.