thing. jeannie suk gerson, harvard law professor, thank you for weighing in and you can watch ao missions granted tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. that s going to do it for me. o back next saturday. prime weekend is next. welcome to prime time weekend. i m nicolle wallace. let s get right to the week s top stories. underscoring the stakes of the election in november even further, newly released decisions by the u.s. supreme court, the conservative super majority which includes three of the justices hand-picked by donald trump himself overturned a 40-year-old president taking aim at the power of federal agencies to function. the dechevron ruling as the blo puts it, cuts back sharply on s the power of federal agencies to interpret the laws they mr. andrew that courts should rely on their own interpretation of ambiguous laws. the decision will likely have er far-reaching effects across the country environmental regulation to healthcare cost. today also saw the
basically a political cri d cri de coeur in this ad. but vice president biden himself will not countenance that type of thing being done either directly by him or by anyone else on his behalf. honestly, the fact that vice president biden is asking for this ad not to be run, i think it should not be seen as a sign one way or the other about whether he s actually going to get into the race. but the beltway press absolutely will take this as an important sign. be prepared for that. specifically, be prepared to ignore that as continued baseless anonymous speculation, which is what it is and what it has been all these weeks. vice president biden is entitled to his own decision p he will tell us that he s in or he s not once he s decided that he s in or he s not. he gets to decide for himself. none of us get to decide. everybody s speculating on it, is pushing him and speaking for him in a way that he hasn t allowed anybody to do. let him speak for himself. enough said already. leave him alo