you re exposed to sniper positions that are just around the corner on the other side of those buildings. final preparations are under way for a farewell, not to just a pop superstar but a daughter, a mother, a friend. whitney houston s funeral is tomorrow in the church where she sang as a child u the pastor says the service will be personal and dignified. it will also be a gathering of celebrities including houston s god mother, aretha franklin. on the today show, she talked about the difficulty of singing at that service tomorrow. it is not gonna be easy, i can tell you that. it is not gonna be easy, but cissy asked me to and i m just going to try to do my best. do you know what you are going to sing? not really sure right now. not really sure. the dow continues to flirt with the 13,000 mark, extending gains from yesterday s session. alison kosik is watching the action for us at the new york stock exchange. and the president boarding air force one in about an h
reporter roulette. tell me what happened 20 years ago on sunday? i can t tell you what happened yesterday. the perfect storm happened 20 years ago. the storm, yes. the movie, hurricane in iraq we don t have a hurricane this time but we have a significant weather event. for new york city. let me show you what is going to happen here. i m talking about all of the western suburbs just to the west of the city. part of an i-95 10 to 20 miles west of there. zero inches of snow to 15 or 20 right along. along the water, it s going to snow a lot in new york city. it s just not going to stick. there s going to be slop. there s going to be a raindrop and snowflake that comes down at the same time. you don t get accumulation with that. what you do get with that, patterson, up into northern bour ban county, snow on the leaves are going to make it break. all of the power lines are going to come down. 15 inch ts of snow. rapidly, though, as you get past the delaware water gap. t
occupy wall street demonstrators are taking their message where the money is. that is the banks. protesters plan to march on the offices of five major banks. today, they say they re going to deliver hows of letters to top board members of bank of america, morgan stanley, wells fargo, citigroup and jpmorgan chase. wall street ceo who says he s part of the 1%, confronts the occupy protesters who say they represent the 99%. demonstrators argued that the wealthiest 1% of americans keeps getting richer while the other 99% struggle. peter shift and a camera crew went to the park in new york to challenge him. no. we re in the 99%! wouldn t you like to get into the 1%? you don t want more money? if i offered to put you in the 1% right now and i would pay my share and get rid okay, hold on. immediately, immediately! investors are taking a step back after yesterday s huge rally. well, the dow fell 25 points in early trading. right now, it is up six points. it is encou
$5,700 on a credit card with a 30% interest rate. ouch. and i have $3,000 on another credit card at around 18%. now, my credit score came in at 720. but i can t get approved for a personal loan at a bank or get a lower interest credit card, because my credit utilization is considered too risky. do i have any alternatives to pay off this debt at a lower interest rate? kind of backed into a corner. yeah, although, carmen, i was so glad to hear that last part of the question that aaron wants the money to pay down that credit card debt. because those interest rates are incredibly high. even at 18%, which sounds low compared to the 30. if aaron has a 3% minimum payment, he is paying double, you know, 20 bucks out for beer and pizza costs him $40. wow. so the interesting thing is, he s clearly been very financially responsible, as evidenced by that 720 credit score. so ironically, what he may want to do is actually ask for an increase in his credit limit to reduce his credit utilizatio
reporter: open floodgates, thousands hit by floodwaters so new orleans stays dry. the alternative, city officials say, would have been worse than katrina. water is pouring through 15 of 125 floodgates at morganza, louisiana right now, a quarter of the gates will eventually be opened. downstream, water from the spillway is already overrunning some homes. as many as 25,000 could go under water in the next few weeks. president obama is welcoming jordan king abdallah to the white house. the conversation is expected to center on the arab uprising. so thursday, the president is expected to layout detailed u.s. viewpoints and a vision on events that are reshaping the middle east. lawyers for imf chief dominique strauss-kahn says their client has an alibi. lunch with another person at the same time that police say he was attacking a hotel housekeeper. lawyers say his launch part they are will come forward to vouch for his whereabouts. strauss-kahn is jailed at new york s rike