breaking on foreclosure and that america s fiscal condition may be brought it its knees. first no ohio where hundreds of protesters descended on the j.p. morgan shareholder meeting demonstrating against the bank outside and inside confronting the big boss, jamie diamond, over what they call unfair labor practices. in new york, eric snyderman making a promising move. instead of waiting for federal, state and civil suites to shake out, snyderman is going it solo, opening an investigation into three of wall street s biggest banks for their handling of morgan securities operations during the big credit scam. for too long the anecdotes and accusations have been ignored. now finally investigations and new evidence that big name lenders are not only cheating american homeowners but swindling and have been swindling the american government as well.
some of our colleagues here at msnbc have been victims of it. with me is our reporter with more details. this starts off with something where they nickel and dime you and then hit you hard. thousands of people are affected. check your bank statement after you hear this story because the charges are so small it s something you can easily overlook. this case is a credit scam wrapped in i.d. theft and a mystery investigators still cannot solve. the biggest victim of the scam says he is being treated like a criminal. when the phone rings these days hugh daly knows he ll get yelled at. almost everything is people very angry telling me why are you charging me 50 cents, 30 cents, 40 cents or some stupid charge. i don t even know you. someone is using the name of his long island business and charging people s credit and debit cards. most of the charges start extremely low, between 50 and 60 cents. one lady in i think arizona
housing and finance. the thing that got you into the problem is never the thing to get you out. housing could be bad for a long time. we could have economic growth without it. i guess the question i ve been asking myself henry, by the way, creator, founder, boss at business insider also here. how do you get around the job losses as a direct reflection of a credit scam that the banks are running a scam. a wealth transfer. and the economic growth is a growth at the expense of you. i can either serve you a sandwich and you give me money or i can hit you over the head with a baseball bat and take your money and this is collective baseball bat from one portion of society to another portion of society being facilitated by the government. the way we have executed this turnaround that dan talked about is by inflating that sector that in large part not completely but large part got us into it which strikes a lot of people as