[team member] don t sweat it. we have this new tool my credit options guide that gives you a customized comparison like this, which helps you discover which credit options might be right for you. [customer] oh, this is better. they should make one for paint. [team member] want to get started? [customer] sure.
that gives you a customized comparison like this, which helps you discover which credit options might be right for you. [customer] oh, this is better. they should make one for paint. [team member] want to get started? [customer] sure.
can be answered by politics. coming up, battering the president and ticking off the tea party. have you seen this mail? my assistant reads most of my mail, and he s now in therapy. [ laughs ] fox news reporting continues after the break. [man] you know how every neighborhood has that one house where all the kids hang out? [team member] yes. [woman] we want to be that house. [team member] i love that. and now, with my credit options guide, we can help you find which type of credit might be right for you. ready to get started? [woman] okay. [man] definitely. mmmm. mmmm. mmmm. ugh. nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. try new alka-seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. it s fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alka-seltzer. enjoy the relief.
condolences to their families. those young men were very, very courageous. they did the right thing, unfortunately. it ended in a horrible, horrible situation. and there you see the three men who came to these two women s defense. thanks so much for joining us. what an honor, thank you, wolf. just ahead, specialists getting ready to weigh in on the possibility of a secret back chan tell russia and gravity of the allegations of jared kushner. as north korea taunts the u.s. and allies with yet another missile test. a new warning that an all-out war with jim jung un s regime would be catastrophic. [team member] so, how can i help you? [customer] have you ever walked into the paint store feeling like you should really know more than you know? satin versus semi-gloss, and.i don t know! [team member] yes.i know the feeling. [customer] that s how i feel right now about all the financing options for this project i m doing. i feel like i should know more than i know. [team member] don t swe
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