capital one claims the hacker compromise some 80,000 bank account numbers and 140 social security numbers. that is 1% of all of them. executives have apologized and they say it s unlikely any customers personal information was used for fraud. they say capital one will reach out to anybody the data breach affected and offer them free credit monitoring. you can change your password as a precaution and most should according to the company. you can also freeze your credit so that nobody can access your reports without your permission. that is something to consider. investigators say the hacker is a former amazon engineer, paige thompson. here s a picture. she apparently bragged about this online left a real trail. she is charged with computer fraud and abuse and is scheduled to have a hearing on tuesday. today is tuesday, no. the hearing is on thursday.
that applied for capital one credit cards going back to 2005 all the way for early this year. it includes addresses, dates of birth, and self-reported income. the nation s fifth-largest credit issuer says they will contact those affected by the hack and offer them a free credit monitoring and identity protection. other steps you can take, check your statement and report any suspicious activity to your bank or card issuer. you can put a hold on your card and even your credit reports, and change all passwords. don t give them information out over the phone or respond to emails asking you to log in. make sure you initiate contact through the official website or phone number. harris, we should say the new york attorney general says her office investigating the breach. back to you. harris: the damage of one suspect is incredible. robert gray, thank you very muc much. senate democrats have unveiled a proposed constitutional amendment, effectively overturning the citizens united decision by
digital trail on the internet and bragging about it online. she uses the handle, erratic, charged with one count of computer fraud and abuse. the former amazon woman describes herself as a hacker. richard fairbanks had no statement, i m grateful the perpetrator has been caught i m deeply sorry for what has happened. i apologize for all the understandable worry this incident must be causing a dam committed to making it right. the banks and most of the exposed data involves information submitted by customers and small businesses that applied for capital one credit cards betwees year. it includes addresses, dates of birth and income. the nation s fifth largest company says it will contact those affected and offer them free credit monitoring and identity protection. some steps you can take, check your statement and report any suspicious activity to your bank
happened. i sincerely apologize for the understandable worried that this must be causing those affected, i am committed to making it right. most of the exposed data is information submitted by customers and small businesses that applied for capital and credit cards, going all the way back to 200 2005 into early this year. it addresses, dates of birth, and self-reported income. the nation s fifth-largest credit card issuer says it will contact people affected by the hike and offer them free credit monitoring and credit protection. other steps you can take, for statement and report for any suspicious activity to your bank or credit card issuer. you can put a hold on your credit card or even report. of course you have to change all of those passwords, and don t respond to emails that ask you to login. make sure that you initiate the contact for the website or phone number appeared and of course, sandra, as you may expect, that stock is going to be under pressure at the open.
capital one say the hack happened march 22nd and 23rd and it s fixed the vulnerability. the largest category accessed was credit card applications from 2005 to early 2019. no credit card numbers or compr. thompson was arrested monday. her attorney couldn t be reached for comment. capital one says it ll notify you if you were affected by the breach and make free credit monitoring available. the bank is still investigating this incident. personally, i think i ve had four or five offers of free credit monitoring at this point over the past few years. i ve been impacted by several of these. feels there are more companies i have been impacted at this point. equifax, there is a settlement, and everyone is complaining you have to give personal information to qualify for the settlement. if you take the cash, you can t legally go after them afterward. moving on, italian prosecutors getting ready to breathe the media minutes from now.