Turkey's dollar-denominated sovereign bonds slid further on Wednesday, and the cost of insuring government debt against default rose, as the post-election market rout following President Tayyip Erdogan's strong showing extended into a third session.
Eurobank, Greece's largest lender by market value, on Wednesday reported lower net earnings in the first quarter of the year as a result of lower one-off items and strong net interest revenues.
Bahrain's state oil holding firm, nogaholding, is planning a sale of U.S. dollar-denominated Islamic bonds and has offered to tender existing notes for cash, a bank document and filing showed on Monday.
conversation. neither major party is concerned with fiscal responsibility. they talk about cuts. cbo estimate accumulated additional debt. obviously, if that all hinders economic growth. which makes it less available money to tax. i think that conversation about numbers, people can think is boring. but it s so important. there needs to be conversations about real cuts. eventually, it s going to be really bad and the longer we push it off, the worse it will be. the new york times, u.s. faces significant risk of running out of cash in june. this is from the cbo. a default would lead to distress and credit markets, disruption in economic activity. the day the united states runs out of cash, the ex date could come this summer. there s a graphic about mortgage