There’s no getting around it. If you want to be a successful chef or bartender, you have to have a consuming passion for food, drink, and hospitality. Especially in New Orleans. But what distinguishes our city from many other dining destinations is the fact that we’re one of the oldest cities in America – with three centuries of history and tales too delicious to believe. On this week’s show, we meet three foodies whose appetite for history is as keen as their love for cooking and cocktails.
Click Here To Listen To This Week s Show: Chefs, Bartenders & History Buffs
4:18 Rochester’s liberty pole is more than a piece of art downtown. As WXXI’s James Brown learned, its symbolism is thousands of years old.
Turns out, the concept for a Liberty Pole began thousands of years ago.
University of Rochester classics professor Cameron Hawkins said the idea draws on concepts from the Roman Empire, including a liberty cap. He said the cap had a deeper meaning in the ancient world.
“There was a soft felt cap known as a pilleus,” said Hawkins. “Former slaves that had been set free would wear that felt cap, so the big moment would be at the funeral of their former master.”