you pay the minimum. $9,000 in credit card debt, if you only make the minimum payment, how many years will you be on the hook for that debt? not a lot of people realize that. how to become debt free in three years, toll free number for a credit counselor. a lot more disclosure for consumers out there with this credit card act. i have to tell you guys, watch out for more fees. these credit card issuers are trying to make up the difference, the money they re losing. any idea what these fees might be? annual fees. in terms of dollars? typically $50, $60 are being tested in the market right now. it s all about what people are willing to accept. you can get rid of your credit card and get a new one and really negotiate on some of this stuff. you don t have to stand for it. get a card that actually works for you. bottom line, you re best off if you pay off that debt. very true. that s the bottom line. just try not to carry it. unfortunately, many people are. in terms of getting a