During Q2 2023, overall balance-level serious delinquencies (measured as 90 days or more past due) improved across product categories, except for credit cards and personal loans according to the report.
two years is what i think i m hearing and so in that case, you re probably going to be renting a little while. that s ok, you ll be sitting on that 7.25% for a little while until you get your income up and stablize it in this small business. right. let s go to ebilene from florida. if you settled an account with a creditor, how long does that negativity remain on your credit report? what do you think? well, it stays on for seven years. all things stay on your credit bureau report for seven years except a chapter 7 bankruptcy which will stay on for 10 years. it won t count against you but about three or four years but it will remain on there for seven. and i got to i also heard you can write an explanation towards your negative what s written negatively and put that in the ledger when people go to look it up. i got to ask you, when you talk about these credit repair agencies and we see them on television all the time, what do you think, dave ramsey? should we explore that? n