Taking out a loan to buy assets can be necessary and beneficial in certain situations, such as starting a business or purchasing a home. In Singapore, almost 50 per cent are willing to take on debts to fulfil their life-long dreams of owning properties. What about taking out loans for investment purposes? In the world of finance, investing a loan.
At some point in most Singaporeans' lives, they would inevitably have to take out a bank loan be it to buy a house, a car, set up a business, pay for their higher education or their kids' education. In times of emergency when a large amount of cash is required, personal loans may also be necessary. Having an AA.
If you last bought a home a decade or more ago, today's property market might give you a headache. A lot has changed since then, so brace yourself for some major differences. On top of that, there are some age-old misconceptions about the transaction process, that have continued to linger for years. We've put together some of the most common.