i believe let me give you my prejudice. i credit bolling. he was the first that i heard on interstate that insurance should be sold interstate, not intrastate. i think that is b.s. and a function of state lobbying. so i credit bolling with that. secondly, i am a believer in medicaid for everybody. republicans are squawking about obamacare. they squawked about social security.ba they compared it to slavery. they squawked about medicaid or medicare.di giving free beer and free vacations. you got 30 million people now getting insurance that didn t and the republicans bill: you think that working-class families hold it. what it comes down to, when you strip away the b.s., is that you want working-class families making $60,000 to $120,000 to pay for the other people s insurance. if you ve got aa person impoverished there is real poverty out there there have to be safety nets.de