I wondered about fate and taxis
counted seconds to minutes to years since
I last looked at this watch
Dirt, long since thrown upon graves and caskets
their resonant thuds quelled
Tell us about one of the first pieces you wrote.
My first memory of creative writing is this: I was probably somewhere between 3 and 4 years old at the age where a child begins to scribble in a clear up and down motion. In Developmental Psych, it’s referred to as emergent literacy. I specifically remember using a blue Bic pen (the kind that advertisements strap onto figure skates, skated about a bit and then wrote with the pen.) I had a spiral ring notebook, and wrote in cursive, front and back, on the lines properly, a story which I took to my older sister to read to me. You see, I realized that I didn’t know how to read yet. The concept that one had to be able to read in order to write didn’t exist in my mind. So, I had to ask my older sister to read the story to me. I clearly recall the look