Games where you get to play as tiny people and creatures have always delighted me - now there's a game that throws mechs into that mix. A match made in heaven.
Published 8 Apr, 2021
Stonefly is one of the game s I m most looking forward to. It s about piloting a tiny bug mech between leaves, and puffing other creatures off branches, and its hand-drawn textures are sumptuous. Developers Flight School have just released a new video that explains a little more about the game s story.
The game stars Annika Stonefly, a brilliant miniature inventor who loses her father s bug mech and sets off on an adventure to get it back. She s joined by a team of pilots called the Acorn Corps, whose character designs and personalities are laid out above. I like the description of the story as Rogue One shrunk down to Fern Gully size.
Published on 27 Feb, 2021
Making an exciting videogame trailer is easy, right? Just have a striking, original, and cohesive art style, combine it with an unusual concept and world, ground it with a set of compelling combat systems, and set the tone with a score that s mysterious and energising in equal measure.
No no, wait. What I mean is, Stonefly just makes it
look easy. This is a game about piloting a mech the size of a bug, flying among tree branches and boggy marshes to fight other bugs, and it s instantly one of my most anticipated games.
Here s the one-minute long introductory trailer, which I think is pitch perfect.