His use of nontraditional lawyer skills lead to success with his clients Human Resources hes collaborating with communitybased organizations not only individuals cases but making sure were passing the right legislation and i mean its hard to imagine the Immigration Rights movement in San Francisco without francisco. When it comes to passing laws at the local and state level francisco has played an Important Role and one could go on and on about all his accomplishments but we want to thank you for the opportunity as a strict supervisor to give you the certificate of honor creating one of San Franciscos premium defense programs and for everything youve done being the communities go to peoples lawyer and for doing our work with tremendous love and passion and respect for your clients. On behalf of the city thank you for everything youve done clapping and i know that some of my colleagues perhaps want to say something. Supervisor avalos yes. I want to say thank you for your Great Service f
Those last year the main polk neighborhood of the year i know it as a hope of many residents the demonstration of a c having did will be appreciated supervisor kim. Ill save my thanks but happy this is moving forward and im happy about a couple of things for district 6 skaerth park has been added as a parcel within the binder to help to clean the areas around the childrens backgrounds and want to make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of
Supervisor kim. Ill save my thanks but happy this is moving forward and im happy about a couple of things for district 6 skaerth park has been added as a parcel within the binder to help to clean the areas around the childrens backgrounds and want to make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of market and others. I just have to say i had mixture feeling but taking the Public Service into the private realm but the cvs have been an advantage
Hours of service for research and plan habitat and Restoration Projects and 25 open green spaces primarily in the southeast areas of San Francisco those Young Leaders have help with the workshops and engaging teamwork and vial education and park engagement i want to thank you guys for your tremendous work and take a moment to thank the recreation and Parks Department that has made a difference in the lives of the people in San Francisco and the port of San Francisco and the Park Alliance force the fiscal year leaders which is one example of the value of our local parks in contributing to our city. With that, i want to invite up a number of folks from the Green Program but first brenda who is the volunteer outreach coordinate to speak on behalf of the program hi thank you so much its a great honor to commend the greenacres program and thank you to the recreation and Parks Department greenacres comes from all walks of life and have their personal journeys but the commonality of a drive t
Things for district 6 skaerth park has been added as a parcel within the binder to help to clean the areas around the childrens backgrounds and want to make sure those families are able to use it so its a safe and clean area and second glad the service plan is heavily wgd towards youth and happy to partner with them. We were not able to get everything we wanted to see in this district in the future were hoping there will be an expansion after were able to showcase and the project in this area like a mc and transmit turn over and other changes in this part of the neighborhood were able to expand into the future as we are able to convince Property Owner forces the success of the lower cv d. I represent many districts Central Market and north of market and others. I just have to say i had mixture feeling but taking the Public Service into the private realm but the cvs have been an advantage and the creativity that is Community Driven by Small Business and residents bring a layer of person