Her Majesty the Queen has reappointed Tristram Mayhew, Sir Ian Livingstone CBE, Ndidi Okezie OBE and Ashley Summerfield as Board Members of the National Citizen Service Trust for terms of two years commencing on 1 December 2021 until 30 November 2023. Lord Iain McNicol has been reappointed for a term of 6 months commencing 1 December 2021 until 31 May 2022.
24/02/2022 - The new programme will fund new, high-quality projects developed by British filmmakers, and at least one of them will receive a £1.5 million production budget
24/02/2022 - The new programme will fund new, high-quality projects developed by British filmmakers, and at least one of them will receive a £1.5 million production budget