The Smart Centres Index explores the ability of global commercial centres to create, develop, and deploy technology. Leading centres in the SCI are based in places which combine an innovative, cultural centre with a high-performing university sector across STEM subjects, supported by a well-developed regulatory, commercial, and financial services. • Leading US and Western EuropeanThe Smart Centres Index explores the ability of global commercial centres to create, develop, and deploy technology. Leading centres in the SCI are based in places which combine an innovative, cultural centre with a high-performing university sector across STEM subjects, supported by a well-developed regulatory, commercial, and financial services. • Leading US and Western European » The FINANCIAL Americas
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<div>The Smart Centres Index explores the ability of global commercial centres to be hubs for the development of new technology. In SCI 4, New York takes first place, with London returning to second place.</div>
In the second Smart Centres Index (SCI 2), New York takes the top spot from London, while Singapore holds third place.
The top 10 centres in SCI 2 are all in countries with a high performing university sector across the fields of Engineering & Technology, and Mathematics, each having multiple universities rated in the top 20 worldwide in these subjects. A strong research and teaching base is important in building a technology and innovation culture.
An interesting point in the results is the high ratings of Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, which may highlight the importance of clustering, with these cities along with London forming a close network of academic and business development and collaboration.