For a puzzle game exploring altered perspectives within its mechanics and themes on a grand scale, Grateful Decay s debut can be considered a limited success.No one ever said long-term relationships were easy – well, no one serious at least. As the first thoughts of [.]
Interview: Maquette s Creative Director on Building a Recursive World Puzzle Game for PS5
One of PlayStation Plus games for PS5 this month is Maquette, an intriguing and unique first-person puzzler. In addition to a reality-bending core mechanic, it tells a relatable, somewhat subdued love story. Co-starring in the game are Bryce Dallas Howard and Seth Gabel, who bring characters Kenzie and Michael to life as you solve various tricky conundrums. We got the chance to throw a few questions at Creative Director Hanford Lemoore, who talks about the genesis of the idea, working with Hollywood talent, and blending gameplay and story together.