Image credit: Annamarie Sysling/WDET
Food insecurity is a big unspoken part of the story for producers, says Dazmonique Carr. “You’re providing this great service but you’re providing it so much and you want to change the system so much, you don’t realize that you’re a part of that system.”
Rooted is WDET’s newest offering of stories about land tending, community healing and regeneration happening right here on the ancestral land of the Indigenous Anishinaabe, the area commonly referred to as Detroit.
“Every single thing about gardening, farming, food growing relates to life. Once you realize that that’s what you’re doing … and you’re involving yourself in that, regardless of how big, small, active you are in the food growing scene, when you put your hands in soil not gloved when you actually interact with soil, food, harvest it, it hits different as the young folks say,” says Dazmonique Carr, who founded her business Deeply Rooted