Week after the Intelligence Community put out its report about the russian attack on the election. Less than a week after that report came out, there was a twoday long meeting that was held in the see she will islands by madagascar. It was a meeting in the shashs for a representative for Vladimir Putin and an envoy from the Trump Administration. According to the post, this reporting first week of april, erik prince maintained at the time of that meeting that was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president elect. He got that meeting and he spent two days in january in an island paradise meeting with a representative for Vladimir Putin. What did they meet about . What did they talk about . What took two days to get through . Why did they have to meet in this far away place . Who knows. Matters of mutual concern to discuss. Heres detail that carried forward to today. The person who set up that mysterious meeting in the islands in january, the person who set up what has
Off the coast of kenya by madagascar. It was a meeting in the seychelles for a representative for Vladimir Putin and an envoy from the Trump Administration. According to the post, this reporting first week of april, erik prince maintained at the time of that meeting that was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president elect. His hosts at that meeting believed that to be true about him. He got that meeting and he spent two days in january in an island paradise meeting with a representative for Vladimir Putin. What did they meet about . What did they talk about . What took two days to get through . Why did they have to meet in this far away place . Who knows. Presumably they had many matters of mutual concern to discuss. Heres detail that carried forward to today. The person who set up that mysterious meeting in the islands in january, the person who set up what has basically been reported out as a back channel meeting between the trump folks and the putin folks, the g