ruins marriage and my advice, continue to fight and, there are studies, antibodies of a very aggressive antibiotic we give for a month or more to really dig into the deep tissues of the brain and i hope it helps but, obviously you have to be careful, of the e-mails, you have to get to know your patient. eric: a big question, lyme disease, how do you prevent it and spot it and, a tiny little thing that you. i see a lot of lyme disease in my office and a lot of people think they have lyme disease and the rash david is talking about, only 60, 70% of the time it is there, it is a lot and if you don t have the rash you can still have it and the number one symptom is fatigue and you might have depression and problems thinking and might get joint aches and if i treat it early enough it is gone and where the e-mail comes from, 22 years later is having symptoms and unfortunately, a lot of people think they have chronic lyme disease and don t have it but it is hard to tell because the