Titled "Balikbayan #1: Memories of Overdevelopment Redux VII," the revered filmmaker, along with his bamboo cinema, presents an aural and video tapestry of his alternative post-colonialist version of Ferdinand Magellan s expedition that led to the first recorded circumnavigation of the Earth.
BY CHRYSEE G. SAMILLANO Lilia Villanueva, Craig Scharlin, Bert Berondo Sr. (l-r, seated), Jadee Yah Scharlin, Benjamin Scharlin and Victoria Villanueva
The books I read in 2020
Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers by Kwame Anthony Appiah. Thoughtful exposition on universality, differences, cultural patrimony, saving children, changing of perception through affinity with others.
Snows of Yesteryear: A Family in War and a Sentimental Education by Elmer A. Ordóñez. Life of an academic, activist, a scholar recollecting the context of the choices and commitments he made from World War II to the anti-Marcos dictatorship.
The Community Press And Its Revolutionary Tradition by Georgina Reyes Encanto. Must-read to understand the radical tradition of the Philippine press. Also, the role of the religious press and the Left’s underground press in the resistance against Martial Law.