Officers Scott Jackson, Cory Jenkins, Scott Roberts and Billy Terhaar swore their oaths Monday in front of family and friends, according to a news release. Craig Kinyon, president and CEO of Reid, administered the oaths.
The quartet joins 13 previously sworn officers and next month will begin their eight-week training course at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. Eight of those 13 have already undergone training, while five were already trained police officers.
Eight more security team members will need to be sworn in and undergo training to complete the transition from security department to police department. Chief Randy Kolentus hopes four will begin training in August.
In some situations, three visitors are allowed. Those exceptions include acute rehabilitation and open-heart patients when family teaching or training is required and patients who require extra assistance because of mobility, reorienting, confusion, general patient safety, interpretation, court-ordered or healthcare decision-making.
End-of-life exceptions will be managed by the responsible house supervisor.
Visitors must neither have COVID-19 symptoms nor have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within 14 days. They must also wear a facial covering over their noses and mouths at all times and frequently wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.
Because of its small waiting area, pediatric rehab still does not allow parents or companions.