They talk about their hope, their happiness, their worries, their confusion as mask restrictions loosen.
Bill Laitner, Minnah Arshad, Nushrat Rahman and Clara Hendrickson, Detroit Free Press
1:18 pm UTC May. 23, 2021
To mask or not to mask? That’s now the question, at least for Michiganders who’ve followed official guidelines.
This week might be the tipping point. It could be the moment when many of us decide to start going out in public without a mask, saying to heck with the virus. Then again, it might be when we stick to this simple precaution a square of cloth or paper that’s become a badge of courtesy, even civic-mindedness.
Submitted by Dave Wirth
Feeding Fluvanna began in 2017 by a group of people from Grace and Glory Lutheran Church. It is a county wide event to collect food and monetary donations to assist Fluvanna Christian Service Society (FCSS) and the Monticello Area Community Action Agency (MACAA), who work together to manage the local food bank based at the Carysbrook Complex. Our first year the project began simply enough: host a food drive to support our local food bank. As our team began discussing how to make it a success, our project quickly grew into a community-wide event, bringing together 11 local churches eager to share our mission. Working side-by-side with other congregations and local civic groups that heard about our plan, we learned the true meaning of community. Many of us had neighbors in our county that needed help feeding their families and we were determined to help them out.