A project to upgrade water lines on Crafts Road and Rust Island began this week, with Thompson Street a late addition to areas of the city getting improved water service
Monday, March 22
Stolen scooter on Winchester Street: At 11:32 a.m., police took a report of a scooter stolen from a residence.
Threats on Amory Street: At 3:09 p.m., a caller told police a man with a pittbull was threatening them. The man will receive a court summons.
Erratic driving on Pleasant Street: At 3:25 p.m., a caller reported a motorcyclist was riding up and down the street doing wheelies. There was nothing showing upon police arrival.
Tuesday, March 23
Theft on Russett Road: At 10:06 a.m., a caller reported Oxycodone missing from her home, telling police she suspected a plumber might have taken it. Police took a report.