Sumner Newscow report – The Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Society, Wellington, will host “How to Safely Clean Tombstones with The Sons of the Union Veterans” presented by Joe Chr
Lu Anne Stephens / KMUW
Cowley County is the stone arch bridge capital of Kansas. (Seriously, you can look it up.)
There are 16 bridges scattered about the county on tiny backroads. Most of them are well over 100 years old, built by hand with local limestone.
“They are unique . and to think that something has survived all of the floods, through all of the years, and they are still pretty sturdy, it’s pretty amazing to me, said Cindy Goertz, a volunteer with the Cowley County Historical Society and a stone arch bridge expert.
Credit Lu Anne Stephens / KMUW
You could try to visit all of the bridges in one very long day, but Goertz says it’s better to pick a corner of the county and concentrate on three or four.