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The former police officer has been charged with theft and defeating the ends of justice after items belonging to one of the women were found in her possession.
they interpreted all these things as signs of my guilt rather than a distraught boyfriend. at the time i had long hair and this was a cowboy town. that was considered to be weird and unusual. as for those bad things he told the detective he d done he explained to us he was referring to a petty argument they d had just days before jamie s murder and the guilt he felt from not being with her the night she died. do you remember what you were arguing about? a loaf of bread the grocery sacker had put a cantaloupe on a loaf of bread. and she was upset that the sacker had squished the bread. and i told her it wasn t that big of a deal. and we had picked our sides and we argued about something as stupid as a loaf of bread. smiem and.