Herbert Coward, known for his "Toothless Man" role in the movie "Deliverance," died Wednesday in a crash on a western North Carolina highway, according to authorities. He was 85.
Herbert Coward, known for his "Toothless Man" role in the movie "Deliverance," died Wednesday in a crash on a western North Carolina highway, according to authorities. He was 85.
Herbert Coward, known for his "Toothless Man" role in the movie "Deliverance," died Wednesday in a crash on a western North Carolina highway, according to authorities. He was 85.
Herbert Coward, known for his "Toothless Man" role in the movie "Deliverance," died Wednesday in a crash on a western North Carolina highway, according to authorities. He was 85.
Herbert Coward, known for his "Toothless Man" role in the movie "Deliverance," died Wednesday in a crash on a western North Carolina highway, according to authorities. He was 85.